This agenda contains a brief general description of each item to be considered. Except as otherwise provided by law, no action shall be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda unless the Parks and Recreation Commission makes a determination that an emergency exists or that a need to take immediate action on the item came to the attention of the City subsequent to the posting of the agenda. The Commission Secretary has on file copies of written documentation relating to each item of business on this Agenda available for public inspection in the Community Services Department, in the public binder located at the entrance to the Council Chambers while the meeting is in session, and on the City's website at www.chinohills.org/Agendas. Materials related to an item on this Agenda submitted to the Parks and Recreation Commission after distribution of the agenda packet are available for public inspection in the Community Services Department at 14000 City Center Drive, Chino Hills, CA during normal business hours and on the City's website at www.chinohills.org/Agendas as soon as practicable.
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you require special assistance to participate in the Parks and Recreation Commission meeting, please contact the Community Services Department, (909) 364-2710, at least 48 hours prior to the meeting to enable the City to make reasonable arrangements. Click here to view the City's Reasonable Accommodations Policy or contact the City Clerk's office to obtain a copy. Emails and documents submitted by the public to the City will be considered a public document subject to posting on the City's website and are subject to the Public Records Act. PLEASE SILENCE ALL ELECTRONIC DEVICES WHILE COMMISSION IS IN SESSION. Speaker Cards - Those persons wishing to address the Parks and Recreation Commission on any City matter, whether or not it appears on the agenda, must complete and submit to the Commission Secretary a "Request to Speak" form available at the entrance to the City Council Chambers. In accordance with the Public Records Act, any information you provide on this form is available to the public. You are not required to provide your name or other personal information in order to speak. The Commission Secretary will explain how you will be called to speak if you decline to provide your name. Comments will be limited to a maximum of three minutes per speaker for agendized items and a maximum of one minute for non-agendized items. Only one speaker card per person per comment period may be submitted. Individuals must submit their own speaker card. Public comment periods will generally be limited to 30 minutes per meeting and/or the maximum time limits for speaking may be reduced, so not all members of the public may have the opportunity to speak at every commission meeting. If you want to communicate information to the City you can also do so via email at parksandreccommission@chinohills.org. All public comments must address matters within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Parks and Recreation Commission, which is considered "City business." Failure to adhere to the prohibition against public comments on non-city business, will result in the speaker losing their opportunity to provide public comments at that meeting. "City business" includes matters over which the City has been granted authority pursuant to state law, subject to state and federal legal and constitutional limitations. These matters include the construction, maintenance and repair of streets, parks and public facilities; providing water, sewer and trash services; providing recreation services and programs; overseeing land development except to the extent the City's authority has been pre-empted by federal and state law; providing public safety services, including police and fire/paramedic services which the City does by contracting with the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department and working with the Chino Valley Fire District and through its own code enforcement personnel; imposing regulations over conduct and activities in the City to protect the health, safety and welfare of the community; and the City also has the right to hire and manage personnel, the responsibility to maintain public records and the authority to impose fees and taxes and provide the financial services necessary to provide the above services. "Signs", banners, flags or other symbolic material (except those that are emblazoned on clothing) are prohibited within the Council Chambers because they may obstruct the view of other attendees, obstruct the passage of other attendees, create a fire or safety hazard, or otherwise disturb the business of the meeting. However, signs no larger than 12X24 inches are permitted in the overflow community room located in the southeast corner of the Council Chambers. These signs, banners, flags and other symbolic objects must be left in the overflow area when approaching the dais for public comments or otherwise leaving that area except to leave the Council Chambers. Signs with any type of stick, pole or similar object are prohibited in the Council Chambers. Levine Act Disclosure: Parties to a proceeding are required to disclose if they made contributions over $500 within the prior 12 months to a Parks and Recreation Commissioner. If a Commissioner accepted more than $500 during the 12 months preceding the decision, the Parks and Recreation Commissioner is required to recuse themselves from the decision. Parties and participants with a financial interest are prohibited from making more than $500 in contributions to a Parks and Recreation Commissioner for the 12 months after the final decision is rendered on the proceeding. The above contribution disclosures and restrictions do not apply when the proceeding is competitively bid, or involves a personnel or labor contract. For more information, see Government Code Section 84308. TIPS FOR PUBLIC SPEAKING AT A COMMISSION MEETING
6:00 P.M. - CONVENE MEETING / ROLL CALL | ||||||
1. | PUBLIC COMMENTS: At this time members of the public may address the Parks and Recreation Commission regarding any items within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Parks and Recreation Commission, whether or not the item appears on the agenda, except testimony on Public Hearing items must be provided during those hearings. Please complete and submit a speaker card to the Parks and Recreation Commission Secretary. Comments will be limited to a maximum of three minutes per speaker. The time allotted per person may vary depending on the total number of speakers cards received. This comment period will generally be limited to 30 minutes per meeting, so not all members of the public may have the opportunity to speak at every Parks and Recreation Commission meeting.
CONFLICT OF INTEREST ANNOUNCEMENTS: Commission Members abstentions shall be stated at this time for recordation on the appropriate item. | ||||||
2. | Introduction of new Parks and Recreation Commission Secretary | |||||
CONSENT CALENDAR - All matters listed on the Consent Calendar are considered routine by the Parks and Recreation Commission and may be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless, before the Parks and Recreation Commission votes on the motion to adopt, Members of the Parks and Recreation Commission or staff request the matter to be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. Removed consent items will be discussed immediately after the adoption of the balance of the Consent Calendar. | ||||||
3. | Approve November 20, 2024, Meeting Minutes | |||||
4. | Update on Community Services Monthly Calendar | |||||
5. | Update on Community Services and Park Projects | |||||
6. | PUBLIC COMMENTS: At this time, members of the public may address the Parks and Recreation Commission regarding any items within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Commission that do not appear on the agenda. Please complete and submit to the Commission Secretary a "Request to Speak" card. Comments will be limited to a maximum of one minute per speaker. The time allotted per person may vary depending on th total number of speaker cards received. This comment period will generally be limited to 30 minutes per meeting, so not all members of the public may have the opportunity to speak at every commission meeting.