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Parks and Recreation Commission
Meeting Date: 09/20/2023  
Submitted By: Alma Hernandez, Senior Management Analyst

Recommend for City Council's approval, updates to the Administrative Policies and Procedures Manual Section 5.12 Donation Acceptance policy.   
The Donation Acceptance Policy was last adopted by City Council on September 9, 2014. Since the adoption of the policy, the Parks and Recreation Commission has accepted various park and trail amenities in accordance with the policy.  The Commission has asked for revisions and/or clarifications to the policy regarding the vagueness of memorial plaques.  Staff is recommending the changes listed below to clarify the policy and make the process more efficient.  

The major changes to Section 4.4.3 Park, Trail, and Open Space Amenities which is under the Parks and Recreation Commission's purview, include: 
Pre-Approved Amenities
The addition of a section that would designate trees and benches as pre-approved amenities that would align with the standard at City parks and trails. These items would not be presented to the Parks and Recreation Commission for consideration, but would be handled by the Public Works Department. A fixed donation amount would be set for these items that would include the direct cost of the item, and/or the cost of the labor, and any additional costs associated with the installation.
The addition of a section that provides guidance on what may or may not be placed on a plaque.  It sets a standard of up to four lines with 26 characters per line.  It also gives the Public Works Department discretion on the location of the plaque and the Community Relations Manager final approval of the wording on the plaque.
Replacements and Renewals
The addition of a section that provides guidance on the replacement and/or renewal of previously donated amenities.  A donated amenity will have a life of up to ten years beginning on the date of installation. At the end of that period, the donor may renew their donation for another ten years or the City may remove the amenity including the plaque. This section also clarifies that the City is not responsible for replacing donated items that have been stolen, damaged, or destroyed due to sun, weather, age, vandalism, or any other act. It also gives discretion to the Public Works Department to remove or relocate the item for maintenance purposes.
Other changes to the policy include: 
  • Increasing the donation acceptance/approval threshold to align with other City policies. 
  • Updating other sections for clarification and efficiency purposes. 
This policy has been reviewed by the City's Administrative Policy Committee and the City Attorney. 
Donation Acceptance Policy_Redlined
Donation Acceptance Policy

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